Wednesday, August 8, 2007

DS Okiwi Alpha 0.2!

The new alpha is hereAt last. It allows to read files from the card (by entering addresses like file:///path, like, for example, file:///test.html) or Internet (http://...).

Some pages are displayed fairly well (specially blogs, like this, which is preconfigured as the home page), while others don't work at all, so I'll have to investigate little by little what Okiwi fails to know.

By now it's able to interpret numerous CSS 2.1 properties, like margins, paddings, floating, colors, etc., altough there are several missing. Some other things not done yet are: tables, forms, cookies and images.

There are also some other bugs and lacks I'm aware of.To scroll a page, dragging with the stylus is still the only way. 75% and 150% zoom levels, which were missing in the first version, have been added.

To follow a link, it's enough to "click" on it, altough it doesn't work always, and I must debug it.The good news is that, from now on, new versions will be released with a much higher frequency. I'll release one each time I implement one of the lacking features or fix important bugs.The installation procedure of this release is the same as the last, so I encourage the reading of the instructions I published that time. If someone has still the old version in his card, it's recommended to erase it completely before installing this one.

download OKIWI v.0.2


Anonymous said...

mmmh yeah, I'm gonna wait for a version that displays images ^^ said...

well, this guy has worked hard on this release. While ?!"# heads like Gnirfleo have just kept leading people on. Eventhough the release is not perfect i still think he is surely on the right way.

The only thing that i dont quite get is the icon he used.. no disrespect but i dont get it! and i do that kind of thing for a living... :)