1. Playstation HOME. Home offers a rich avatar graphical interface for player interaction, activities, and trophies. Oh and can’t forget the posh apartments.
2. Downloadable retro Playstation content (i.e. PS1 games).
3. FREE, FREE, FREE! The PSN is completely free unlike Xbox LIVE.
3. Introduced downloadable multitasking/background downloading.
4. Integrated web browser with the PSN store set up similarly for a layout that most internet gamers are familiar with. PSN thereby branches out from its own system to the world wide web (gosh, that’s so 1995).
5. Future integration of Video On Demand, Music on Demand, Singstar.
6. Easier and cheaper access to the network for Wi-fiers. All PS3s come standard with wireless capability, whereas it costs $99 for a 360 (yes I shelled out the cash for my xbox)
7. Folding@Home. Using the power of the PS3 and the PSN users can contribute to the understanding and possible cure of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and MS. Come on, PSN should win hands down for this humanitarian effort.
8. Frequent firmware updates. Some might gawk at frequency and like only the large chunky and infrequent updates from MSoft. But the slow yet steady addition of new bits and bobs is fun.
9. PSN has already accomplished much of what LIVE has done/has in 9 months. LIVE has existed for nearly 5 years (circa 2002).
10. Free. Oh wait I already said that… oh well, it’s a biggy.
source gamingmirror
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